Mosquito Magnet® Liberty Plus
Continuous Warm Up

This fault indicates that the trap is NOT getting hot enough to start up. If you continue to get this fault, do the following troubleshooting steps.
- Turn off trap and then disconnect and reconnect the regulator.
- Try a different propane tank.
- Start the trap with the bug bag removed and the lid open.
- Allow to warm up for approximately 30 minutes.
- At this point the unit should be running and a have green light.
- Place the bug bag in the trap and close the door.
- Unit should continue to operate in the running state with green light.
If the previous steps do not work then contact our Dedicated Customer Support for fast repair options.
Do not return your product to the store. Our 360° Customer Support Network is ready to help you! Call our 800-953-5737 and let our Dedicated Customer Support help you "Take Back Your Yard!".