There are more than 170 known species of mosquitoes in North America, several of which can spread serious diseases such as West Nile virus, malaria, and dengue fever. Not all species are found in every part of the continent — the mosquitoes on the East Coast are not necessarily the same as the mosquitoes on the West Coast.
A Mosquito Magnet® trap works by releasing a precise and steady stream of carbon dioxide, heat, moisture, and a secondary attractant to effectively lure, capture and kill mosquitoes. Several secondary attractants are available, and each is specially formulated to attract the mosquitoes that are prevalent in specific regions of North America.
Choosing the right secondary attractant can result in a ten-fold increase in your catch rate! You’ll benefit from a customized mosquito control solution that can dramatically reduce the mosquito population throughout the season.

Use Our Mosquito Attractant Guide to Choose the Best Secondary Attractant for Your Region
We’ve put together the following mosquito attractant guide, which provides a brief overview of each of our EPA-registered secondary attractants. Use the information to help you select the attractant that is best suited to luring and killing mosquitoes in your geographic region.
- Octenol – Octenol is a chemical substance that is sometimes referred to as “mushroom alcohol,” as edible mushrooms are one of the plants that produce it. Octenol is also found in human breath and sweat, both of which are powerful mosquito attractants. Octenol attracts many common mosquitoes, black fly and no-see-um species found in North America, and it’s the most appropriate choice for mosquito control in the United States and Canada.
- R-Octenol – Like Octenol, R-Octenol mimics human breath. When combined with the carbon dioxide, it serves as an irresistible mosquito lure. A key advantage of R-Octenol is that its active ingredient enables it to last 40% longer than regular Octenol. Use R-Octenol to combat mosquitoes, black flies and no-see-ums particularly in the coastal regions and across the United States.
- ATRAKTA® Attractant – With a combination of Lactic Acid, Octenol, and Ammonium Bicarbonate, this three-part pod emits a scent that mosquitoes find irresistible. Use this attractant in any location where mosquitoes are present to enhance the catch rates of your Mosquito Magnet® Trap or ANY outdoor mosquito trap. This attractant specifically attracts mosquitos, including those that may transmit West Nile virus, Encephalitis, Zika virus, and Chikungunya virus.