Aedes aegypti Mosquito

Known as the “Yellow Fever Mosquito,” Aedes aegypti is the main vector, or carrier, of Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever in certain regions of North, Central, and South America.
Aedes aegypti is an early morning or late afternoon biter, but will also bite at night under sufficient artificial lighting.
Description | Breeding | Geography | Interesting Facts
Known as the “Yellow Fever Mosquito,” species Aedes aegypti is the main vector, or carrier, of Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever in certain regions of North, Central, and South America.
The adult mosquito of this species has a black body with white, lyre-shaped scales on its thorax region. Its legs are banded in white. It may appear similar to other mosquito species.
Aedes aegypti is an early morning or late afternoon biter, but will also bite at night under sufficient artificial lighting. Habitats are often found close to human areas and this Yellow Fever mosquito species will often bite indoors or in sheltered areas near the home. Human blood is preferred over other animals.
Yellow Fever mosquito species' eggs are usually deposited in water found in a variety of containers, including old tires, aluminum cans, coffee cups, and other similar items, as well as tree holes and plant leaves. Eggs will survive for up to a year, if present conditions are not suitable for hatching. The eggs will hatch when flooded by deoxygenated water.
Larvae are known as wigglers since they seem to move in that manner. They feed on fungi, bacteria and other tiny organisms through straw-like filters. These larvae will undergo growth throughout the four instars of this stage, which lasts up to 10 days for the Yellow Fever mosquito species aedes aegypti.
Pupae are known as tumblers because of the way they seem to “tumble” through the water. Their rounded, comma-like shape makes this mode of movement easy. These pupae do not eat during the 1-2 days in which they will become an adult mosquito.
Breeding Habits
Like the female Asian Tiger mosquito, the Aedes aegypti mosquito will lay her eggs in almost any container. Yellow Fever mosquito breeding grounds include old tires, flower pots, aluminum cans, bird baths, rain gutters, tree holes, and many other items that can hold even small amounts of water. Many will lay their eggs in damp soil; the eggs will hatch when flood waters cover them.
This mosquito does not survive cold weather, so it cannot overwinter in the egg stage. Therefore, the aedes aegypti mosquito is active only during the summer months in northern regions of the United States, while in the southern regions it is active and breeds throughout the year. It rarely ventures further than a few hundred yards from its breeding site.
Where do Yellow Fever mosquitoes live? The Aedes aegypti, or Yellow Fever mosquito, is found in most regions in the tropical and subtropical parts of the world. The African continent is where 90% of all infections occur from the Yellow Fever mosquito. Originating in Africa, the Yellow Fever mosquito is believed to have been first brought to the United States on ships used for European exploration or colonization. In the United States, today, the Yellow Fever mosquito has been found in both eastern and western states, as far north as New York and as far west as New Mexico. Its numbers are highest in states bordering the Gulf of Mexico.
Where do Yellow Fever Mosquitoes Live in Your Yard?
Yellow Fever mosquitoes are considered container-inhabiting mosquitoes. This means they typically breed in unused flowerpots, spare tires, untreated swimming pools and drainage ditches. They thrive when in close contact with people, making them a common pest for countless backyards throughout the United States. Male and female adult mosquitoes feed on nectar of plants. Female mosquitoes must blood feed primarily on humans in order to produce eggs. Active in the daytime, the females are the main causes for concern, transmitting diseases to you and your family. To keep Yellow Fever mosquitoes from breeding in your yard, you would have to remove all areas of stagnant water, from the smallest flowerpot to a large pool. This would be virtually impossible. Therefore, to properly protect yourself from the diseases mosquitoes carry you need an effective outdoor mosquito control system.
Interesting Facts
The United States has made attempts to eliminate this mosquito but has not been successful yet.
These mosquitoes may lay their eggs in the same containers where other mosquito species have laid their eggs.
The Aedes aegytpi is particularly fond of human ankles when it is searching for a good spot to bite a human.
If you open a cupboard and mosquitoes fly out, then you may have Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in your kitchen. In regions with the yellow fever mosquito, it is not unusual to open a cupboard or cabinet and find an adult Aedes aegypti mosquito resting inside.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito has been overtaken by the Asian Tiger mosquito in some regions, virtually eliminated by the more aggressive Asian Tiger mosquito in certain areas.
This mosquito stays close to its breeding site, typically traveling only a few hundred yards away.
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